Collection: Martin's Lane - English Wine Collection

Martin's Lane Vineyard on the River Crouch occupies a site probably unrivalled in England for growing the very finest fruit for wine production. Testament to this is provided by the range of limited release wines available.

Since entering the market in early 2016 the wines have in a very short space of time attracted enormous interest and attention and have already been selected by many top restaurants and outlets in Essex, East Anglia and the West End of London.

The growing success and popularity of Martin’s Lane wines has fully vindicated the quality strategy adopted by the partnership and has provided encouragement to nurture the great potential of this vineyard site and to increase further the production of its wines.

The first wine releases sold out very quickly but the range has now been expanded to offer a variety of wines all produced from fruit of exceptional ripeness. All promise to set new benchmarks for the supreme quality ofEnglish  wines available from this single estate vineyard.

2 products